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What are nutricosmetics? Stay well inside and out!

what is nutricosmetics
What are nutricosmetics? Stay well inside and out!

Do you know what nutricosmetics are? It is a word that you may have already heard because it has been widely studied for years, although it is still an unknown concept for many people. Let’s delve into it to better understand what it means and how you can apply it in your life.

What are nutricosmetics?

Nutricosmetics are natural beauty treatments based on improving a person’s external appearance by providing the body with the nutrients it needs to do so. In other words, it consists of taking care of oneself on the inside with actions that are reflected in the external appearance of the person.

Through a healthy and balanced diet and the supply of the necessary food supplements in each case, the health of the organism improves. This has its effect in the area of personal appearance or beauty care. Mainly healthier and more beautiful skin, stronger nails and hair, or healthier body volume and reduction of body cellulite, among others.

You can find food supplements at Robis with which to complete your diet and provide your body with active ingredients and nutrients that contribute to improve your physical appearance.

Nutricosmetic active ingredients that help you take care of your skin from the inside out

What are the most important active ingredients or nutrients in this field? Knowing them is key to include them in your regular diet and to assess whether you need an extra contribution in the form of food supplements.

Vitamin C, one of the best known active ingredients in nutricosmetics

Adequate intake of vitamin C has effects on the organism at an internal level and these are also reflected in the physical appearance of the person.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that blocks the action of free radicals, promotes cell regeneration and combats the visible signs of photoaging while contributing to tissue repair and collagen production.

All these properties or functions translate into skin with greater elasticity and firmness, fewer wrinkles and a more luminous appearance.

Hydration and nutricosmetics

Providing the body with adequate hydration is key to maintain a healthy skin, nails and hair in good condition. Lack of hydration is noticeable in drier, flakier skin, duller, more brittle hair and more fragile nails.

Although water is not exactly a nutrient, it is essential to include it in the diet in adequate amounts. There are nutrients that contribute to its proper distribution and to the body’s proper use of it by retaining it in the skin, such as hyaluronic acid supplements or those of collagen.

Consuming essential fatty acids for external beauty care

Omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids can be understood as examples of nutricosmetic active ingredients. Its properties to take care of the internal organism are so relevant that they overshadow its cosmetic properties, but these are also relevant.

Among them, they help to improve the skin and strengthen its natural protective barrier. They nourish and repair it for a better appearance and condition. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is perceived in a more relaxed appearance. In addition, they improve hair growth and contribute to its shine and good appearance by nourishing the hair follicle.

Vitamins and minerals in the most effective nutricosmetics

There is a group of vitamins and minerals that are interesting nutricosmetics. Like vitamin E, it has great antioxidant properties and protects the hair bulb for stronger, thicker and better nourished hair. B vitamins that stimulate cell renewal, reinforce the epithelial barrier for better skin hydration, improve the appearance of acne-prone skin and contribute to and strengthen nails and hair. Or vitamin A which helps maintain healthy skin by stimulating the natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid.

As for minerals, zinc calms redness and facial inflammation, helps fight acne and improves skin texture. And magnesium helps maintain skin hydration, improves cell regeneration and aids detoxification of the epidermis.

Supplements such as brewer’s yeast and royal jelly contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals that make them powerful nutricosmetics.

Coenzyme Q10: recognized active ingredient in nutricosmetics

In addition to being an active ingredient present in topical cosmetics, it can also be taken in the form of a dietary supplement. It is a potent antioxidant and helps repair signs of facial aging, among other benefits.

Now you know what nutricosmetics is, but if you want to know many more tips on beauty and health, we encourage you to follow us on social networks or subscribe to our newsletter to be aware of all the news from Robis, we are waiting for you!


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