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Artichoke, a natural remedy to lose weight after the summer

alcachofa artichoke
Artichoke, a natural remedy to lose weight after the summer

Extra weight after the summer? Do not know how to get rid of it and return to your ideal weight? It is true that it is difficult to lose weight, but we all mistakenly think that in order to lose those extra pounds we will have to go hungry. This thinking is wrong because we should only maintain a balanced diet and perform some daily exercise. In addition, we can enjoy the food that will make us lose weight, with food such as artichoke.

Artichoke: benefits and nutrition facts

This vegetable has numerous benefits for our body. Among the components of the artichoke is inulin, a carbohydrate that is metabolized very slowly in our body, which is could be appropriate for diabetes. Also the artichoke is very rich in fiber, and therefore helps lower blood glucose and control cholesterol levels. In addition, this vegetable has the ability to combat constipation.

Another benefit of the artichoke is that it contains cinnarine, a substance that stimulates the secretion of bile. In this way, it favors the digestion of fats and prevents the retention of liquids with a diuretic effect. Its caloric intake is very low, the artichoke has less than 1% fat, and this translates into about 22 calories per 100 grams. Therefore, the slimming effect of the artichoke is due to three factors: its low calorie level, its diuretic effect and its ability to digest fats and eliminate them.

In addition to all of the above, it can be said that the artichoke favors and aids liver functions, as it works as a cleanser and regenerator of our intestines, our liver and kidneys.

Lower weight with artichoke water

Artichoke water can be consumed three times a day. This diet can be done for 10 days a month, for at least 3 months. In this way, we will lose weight, and also detoxify our body. During the 10 days will be based on eating natural juices, fruits and vegetables, discarding meals with fats. It is also recommended half an hour of exercise a day.

For the preparation of the artichoke drink that will help you lose weight you will need two fresh and healthy artichokes. They will be cut into two halves, in addition to the end of the stem. In a pot where we will prepare the juice, we will boil the two artichokes in a liter and a half of water. They will be ready when they acquire a proper tone and become softer. After boiling, we will reserve the cooking water. Artichokes can be consumed with a little oil, salt and vinegar creating a healthy and tasty dish. With the water we will get liter and a half of water, and that is what we will drink for a day.

A recommended breakfast would be a cup of oatmeal, an apple and then the glass of artichoke water. It will also be taken after main meals, as it promotes digestion, is diuretic and helps to process fats. Therefore, it is advisable to eat them after meals.

As the one and a half liters of the water of the artichokes will serve us for the whole day, you can reserve it in the refrigerator, and when you take it you can consume it along with lemon juice and mint leaves. Its taste is better and benefits, too. Remember that in addition to taking the water from the artichokes you should follow a balanced diet where there is no lack of salads and daily exercise.

Another simpler, faster or even more pleasant option of flavor is to consume the artichoke as a “food supplement”.  There are different formats, capsules, tablets or even in infusion. The food supplements use root extracts of the leaves of this vegetable; from where the most important nutrients destined to the loss of weight are obtained. In ROBIS, specialists in food supplements, you can find it in tablets format. It is recommended to take 4 tablets a day with enough water, in two doses, half an hour before the main meals.


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