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Food supplements to improve blood circulation

complementos alimenticios para mejorar la circulación
Food supplements to improve blood circulation

Age, genetics, leading a sedentary life or situations that force us to be immobilized for many hours are some of the reasons that can negatively affect our blood circulation. But there are also certain conditions that can lead to blockage of the arteries, causing the blood to not flow as it should. This is the case, for example, of people who have high cholesterol levels.

Keep in mind that the circulatory system plays a key role in the proper functioning of our body, as it is responsible for supplying oxygen to all cells of the body, helping to heal wounds and injuries, eliminate toxins and products from waste and regulate body temperature.

Some of the symptoms that show that there is a serious circulatory problem behind are varicose veins, erectile dysfunction, tired or swollen legs, dark circles under the eyes, loss of vision, headaches, memory loss and dizziness.

To help improve blood circulation, it is important to take a diet rich in Omega 3-grade acids that includes lots of fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts, hot water baths and exercise. But in addition, we can supplement our diet with food supplements to improve blood circulation. Of course, always under medical supervision.

The food supplements to improve the blood circulation of contain plant extracts that favor blood flow, allowing the amount of blood to return to the heart is greater and thus alleviating the symptoms that result from venous insufficiency.

What are the best food supplements to improve blood circulation?

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties that help prevent oxidation of the walls of the arteries, which can lead to atherosclerosis. It is advisable to consume 800 micrograms of Vitamin A.

Vitamin B

Specifically vitamin B3, known as niacin, serves to strengthen blood vessels and increase blood flow, so that it reaches the arms and legs without difficulty. It also favors the production of red blood cells and helps prevent hardening of the arteries.

However, vitamin B9 and vitamin B12 are also essential, since they help to neutralize homocysteine, which is one of the biggest risk factors for vascular accidents and one of the biggest responsible for the deterioration of circulation.

1. Vitamin C

Although it is one of the best known, not everyone knows that, in addition to strengthening our immune system, it helps to prevent the formation of blood clots and to strengthen the capillaries and arteries.

2. Vitamin E

It is an antioxidant that improves blood flow. It favors the production of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen.

3. Calcium and magnesium

Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis. For its part, magnesium helps assimilate calcium and prevent heart arrhythmia. It is advised to take around 800 mg of calcium daily and about 375 mg of magnesium. However, if you have kidney problems, it is important that you consult your doctor beforehand.

4. Selenium

Selenium helps protect the heart by reducing hypertension. But it also relieves the pain of angina attacks. It is best to take about 55 micrograms of selenium a day.

Carrying a healthy and balanced diet, doing aerobic exercises and complementing our routines with nutritional supplements with a vasoprotective principle can help us improve our circulatory system and, in this way, guarantee our well-being.



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