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What is an ecological product and what makes it so special?

Producto ecológico, BIO product
What is an ecological product and what makes it so special?

The organic product, also known as biological, is that natural product that is obtained without using any chemical elements that are so detrimental to health. It is precisely this that makes them so special and, because of their quality and their careful production, are considered as gourmet products. However, this does not mean that its price is so high. Every day they can be bought more easily outside of specialized stores due to the increase of the demand of natural products experimented in the last years.

Nowadays we can find some manufacturer of ecological product as is the case of Robis, from meats and agricultural products to wines. It is true that organic products cost a little more than the ones we usually buy at the supermarket, but is it our outlook, the preservation of the environment and the taste they have that are sufficient reasons to include more organic products in our diet? But let’s look in more detail at the reasons why you should do it.

  1. Do not contain synthetic additives

Synthetic additives containing many foods can lead to very serious health problems like heart failure, migraines, osteoporosis or hyperactivity. Instead, the manufacturer of organic products respects the natural rhythms of food and does not add additives, so they are more balanced and more nutrient rich. In addition, several studies have shown that it is not necessary to look for out-of-season products to meet our nutritional needs.

  1. Are healthier

Organic products are much healthier because they contain no toxic residues of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics, additives or preservatives. Elements used in agriculture to prevent pests and which can cause serious damage to our organism over time. In contrast, organic products are better assimilated by our body and do not alter our metabolic functions. According to several studies, many of the degenerative diseases that affect our society are related to diet

  1. Do not contain genetically modified organisms

The cultivation of genetically modified organisms has very negative consequences for the environment, and although there are no conclusive studies on their effects on human health, there are indications that they are unhealthy, as they lead to genetic uniformity, reducing the variety of foods.

  1. Do not contain pesticides or antibiotics

Today hundreds of pesticides are used in agriculture that leave chemical residues in the food we usually consume.

  1. They are respectful with the environment

One of the main goals of organic product manufacturers is to be more respectful of the environment. The consumption of this type of products besides contributing to this, avoids the contamination of the earth, water and air.

  1. They are respectful of animal welfare

The European regulation lays down specific measures for organic farming in the forms of habitability of farms in order to avoid stress on animals and to encourage the growth of animals under semi-liberty. In addition, artificial insemination is not practiced and hormones are not used. Feeding animals is based on natural grasses free of pesticides, fertilizers and transgenic. Thus, the animal is much healthier. It should be noted that these are native species of the area that are better adapted to the conditions of the same.

  1. They have maximum levels of quality

The manufacturers of organic products use a system of production of maximum reliability, since it is regulated through the European Regulation 2092/91. All agents involved in the process are subject to the control and inspection of raw materials used, processing, packaging, labeling, etc. Through accredited control and certification companies.

  1. They are more tasty

When passing through a process of craftsmanship and careful production, they have better flavor. The plants grow healthy and develop better, retaining their true aroma, color and flavor. For this reason, many consumers prefer organic food, but also because they are better preserved than conventional ones.


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