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How to beat spring asthenia: royal jelly, tryptophan and magnesium

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How to beat spring asthenia: royal jelly, tryptophan and magnesium

Spring asthenia is a problem that affects more than half of the population each year. The feeling of lack of energy, vitality and strength affects daily life. It hinders concentration, generates physical weakness and mental exhaustion and all this is typical of the spring months. If you also suffer from it and wonder how to overcome spring asthenia, we help you find the solution that mitigates these symptoms and makes you regain lost energy and vitality.

How to beat spring asthenia, the three food supplements that help you at this time of year

Faced with this problem, external help is needed to reduce symptoms of spring asthenia . And there are natural elements that help to achieve this due to their effects on the body. In this way you gain energy, facilitate concentration and contribute to the optimal functioning of the brain and the locomotor system.

Royal jelly to defeat spring asthenia

Using the royal jelly like restorative It is not new but it is becoming more and more known. This food of the queen bees has a high concentration of vitamins and other natural substances necessary for the body.

If you wonder how to defeat spring asthenia effectively, the royal jelly consumption it is a good decision. It will help you to provide your body with those natural elements that it now needs in greater quantity and to do it easily.

Currently some jellies are already marketed enriched with other key substances to improve defenses, recover energy and gain vitality. We as royal jelly maker we have a wide catalog to help you at any age.

T riptophan to combat spring asthenia

Symptoms of spring asthenia include decay, episodes of sadness, lack of motivation and difficulty concentrating. The tryptophan it’s a essential amino acid precursor of serotonin that the body needs especially in these cases.

And why is it so important if you consider how to overcome spring asthenia? Because it helps increase the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body. And serotonin helps improve emotional balance, elevate mood and overcome irritability typical of spring asthenia. It also helps you sleep better since is involved in the formation of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep .

Magnesium, key to solving the symptoms of asthenia

For the body to be able to absorb tryptophan properly, it needs an optimal supply of magnesium . This is why some tryptophan supplements are combined with magnesium. In addition, this mineral also contributes to the decreased tiredness and fatigue . And help the optimal functioning of the nervous system .

There are many processes carried out by the body that require magnesium to be carried out. That is why its deficit is so troublesome. Those related to the optimal function of the nervous system and muscles are part of those involved in the natural treatment of the symptoms of spring asthenia.

How to beat spring asthenia and feel better with healthy lifestyle habits

If you consider how to overcome spring asthenia and recover the well-being and quality of life lost, royal jelly, tryptophan and magnesium will help you achieve it. To improve even more it is recommended combine its consumption with other measures that are easy to implement in your day-to-day life .

  • Follow one healthy and balanced diet . If you cannot or there are deficiencies of some nutrient, use nutritional supplements to fix it.
  • Hydrate your body . Adequate consumption of water, fresh fruits and vegetables improves the functioning of the body at different levels.
  • Try to wear some regular schedules and routines to help your body adapt to schedule changes and life with more hours of daily light.
  • To the best of your ability do physical exercise daily . It will help you fight stress and sleep better. What contributes to recover the vitality lost by spring asthenia.

If you are wondering how to beat spring asthenia, consider the relevance of royal jelly, tryptophan and magnesium to achieve this. As well as the importance of maintaining healthy habits to feel better and with more energy. Do you want to discover how to keep up to date with all our advice? Subscribe to our newsletter and you won’t miss any of them.


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