Food supplements manufacturer since 1983

Detox product line after Christmas

Slim Robis Detox BIO
Detox product line after Christmas

If you are one of those people that Christmas has taken its toll on food, you had to succumb to try every dish on the table to not make an ugly to anyone or you had to abandon your routine appealing to the family union, this is your site. Do not worry; it is therefore up to us to lend a hand.

How could you recover from Christmas excesses?

The first and most important thing is to know that nothing you do makes special sense, if you are not accompanied by physical exercise and a balanced diet. Equally important is to provide cardio exercises to your day to day, which will help you burn the fats you face, such as targeting you real and healthy goals through a balanced diet.  Being aware that it is not so important to lose that weight acquired in an almost miraculous way but to create healthy routines as a new year’s purpose.

As we know that sounds like the utopian daily routine that we always appeal to find, we help you with the “hard January”, through three products that will make your first month more bearable, of course following our style, that is, looking at the natural .

 The Robis Detox line is backed by ecological agriculture, which allows us to obtain food of the highest quality and free of chemical waste, respecting the environment and collaborating in turn for the renewal of natural resources. We are not only looking for productivity but also sustainability of production.

  • Slim Robis BIO Detox, artichoke tablets, black Radish, marian thistle and tea sticks eco, which will help you with its diuretic, cleansing and antioxidant function
  • Hep Robis BIO, infusion that favors the epithet
  • Drena Robis BIO, infusion that facilitates the elimination of liquids, drainage and depurative

How to combine them with the exercise and healthy diet we talked about?

  • Mornings: 2 tablets of Slim Robis Detox with 1 infusion Drena Robis BIO
  • Nights: 2 slim Robis Detox tablets at night, next to 1 Hep Robis infusion

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