Food supplements manufacturer since 1983

Royal jelly

In Robis we offer you royal jelly in different formats and different specific products. We invite you to know our offer of products based on royal jelly for both adults and children so you can find the most suitable for you or your family.

Do you know the benefits of royal jelly?
It is a natural product made by bees and is used primarily as a restorative, although it has applications in different fields and very varied benefits for health and beauty. Reina Real of Robis products based on royal jelly is specifically indicated for different purposes. Know our offer and choose the one to be and feel better, based on your needs!

Do you want to know how royal jelly can help your children? Among the main benefits of this product in children is its great ability to stimulate children’s growth in a healthy and natural way. The nutritional properties of royal jelly are responsible for providing these and other benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, essential to have strong defenses against diseases.

Adults can also take advantage of the benefits of Reina Real for their health and well-being. Both men and young women, middle-aged and even in old age can take royal jelly to improve your health status and quality of life. The Reina Real specific products are the best way to provide each person with the most suitable solution for them.

Among the benefits that royal jelly gives you is the contribution of energy needed at specific times or in a regular way. For kids and adults. For athletes, people with anemia problems or at times of high intellectual requirement, among others.

The strengthening of the immune system and the stimulation of the nervous system are some of the benefits of Reina Real products. Improving fertility, increasing the oxygenation of the brain and facilitating the activity of the adrenal glands are many others.
Discover the benefits of royal jelly for beauty to improve hydration and elasticity of the skin as well as to delay skin aging and improve cellular oxygenation.

Take advantage of these and other benefits of royal jelly by choosing the Real Reina product indicated for you or your family!