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I have a hard time losing weight: what can I do?

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I have a hard time losing weight: what can I do?

“I have a hard time losing weight” is something many people express with regret. They do not complain unreasonably. They are people who are really taking weight loss measures and they don’t get it. Is it your case?

For many years losing weight or not was only related to the imbalance between caloric expenditure and calories consumed. But research and studies The last few years have shown that this is just one of the factors involved in the equation. The issue is much more complex in practice and can be demotivating for those who you can’t lose weight at the rate you want despite making sacrifices and actions on a daily basis to achieve it.

Know some of the factors that are involved in metabolism and body weight is key for you, if you are also one of those who says “I have a hard time losing weight”, because they will help you take effective steps to help you achieve your goals.

I have a hard time losing weight, what can I do to help me achieve my goals?

Don’t Obsess Over Difficulty Losing Weight

Easier said than done, but you must try. The brain itself can block you because you are suffering from a pressure and stress that’s not good. This causes the brain to generate more cortisol and this hormone is preventing you from losing weight.

How can you reduce the cortisol in your body?

  • Learn to lead a more relaxed life.
  • Sleep well.
  • Provide your body tryptophan Y magnesium through food and, if necessary, through food supplements.
  • Avoid consuming exciting beverages.

Take care of your diet to lose weight effectively and continuously over time

Of course, in order to lose weight your diet must be healthy, balanced and light. The amounts must be adequate so that with your caloric expenditure, you can lose weight. Consult with a nutritionist to help you learn to eat better and calculate how your menus should be.

It will also help you avoid common mistakes.

  • Before juices, he prefers whole fruit. It contains fiber and will help you avoid glycemic peaks that make weight loss difficult.
  • Reduce the salad dressing.
  • Do not always eat the same foods, a varied diet will be less boring.

Poor sleep is one of the causes that make it more difficult to lose weight

Yes, poor sleep may be boycotting your efforts to lose weight.

Various studies have been published linking the insomnia and the poor quality of sleep with difficulty losing weight. The reason is that various hormonal activities related to metabolism. And lack of sleep implies an imbalance in them, which translates into greater difficulty in maintaining a healthy body weight.

Why is it hard for me to lose weight if I exercise?

The physical exercise it is necessary for a healthy body and also to lose weight. But you may not be approaching it in the right way to lose weight.

  • Exercising before bed is not a good idea. It will increase your cortisol production and make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Two points that we have already mentioned that make it difficult to lose weight.
  • Try two or three times a week HIIT workouts, or high intensity intervals.
  • Don’t train every day. The body will get used to it and you won’t let it recover. This is not to say that you don’t need to exercise on a daily basis. Simply don’t train hard every day. Better every other day.
  • The strength training is as important as the cardiovascular to lose weight effectively. Strength training helps you build muscle. A body with more muscle has a better metabolic activity. That helps you lose weight and lose volume.

If you say it is very difficult for me to lose weight, use products that help you to promote weight loss in a healthy way

Carefully assess what you think is preventing you from losing weight. Do you have hunger attacks and eat out of anxiety and nerves? Do you retain fluids? Do you need help for an optimal metabolism? To sleep better?

Consult with a specialist to find out what is right to help you achieve your goals and if you need a push, you can find a great variety of these products of the manufacturer of food supplements

Stating “I have a hard time losing weight” can make your listener think that you are not doing enough. Don’t let this get to you. As you can see, there are many issues that influence weight loss. Knowing them helps you solve it and brings you closer to your goal.


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