Food supplements manufacturer since 1983

40th anniversary of Robis

40º aniversário de Robis
40th anniversary of Robis

Since the beginning of this ambitious project called Robis back in 1983, we have gone through a multitude of stages throughout our extensive business trajectory. A trajectory that celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2023.

40th anniversary of Robis: Our Origin and growth

Our story begins with the creation of a small business in Granada. It was motivated by the concern of a group of people to create health from a new paradigm. A model in which the properties of plants, healthy eating, and respect for nature and species were the protagonists.

Keeping these values as a base, this business began to grow and to open new small establishments in the capital of Granada to continue developing its activity. It is then that, in 1983, this growth culminated in the inauguration of a new, larger industrial site near the city to be able to supply itself through its production.

Since then, Robis has started to manufacture and commercialize food supplements of different formats, being one of the pioneering companies in the sector. The sale of its brand products is gradually beginning to spread throughout the country, including herbalists and health food stores in all Spanish communities.

In the following decades, the expansion did not cease and even reached an international scale. Robis consolidates its position in the Spanish market and distinguishes itself in the growing sector for its extensive experience. In addition, its high-quality products are a factor that sustains the company to this day.

From the 80’s to the present day…

In a context as changing as our world is, in which globalization and the advance of technology have played an increasingly notable role in our lives, and at an exponential speed since the beginning of the 21st century, it is easy to imagine the amount of processes, changes, and dynamism that any organization may have experienced.

But if one aspect has timelessly defined Robis, it is the search for people’s health by taking advantage of the resources that nature offers us, to extract the greatest possible nutritional benefit for human beings, as well as greater physical and mental well-being.

We are happy to celebrate another decade of making our philosophy a reality. One in which people and the natural environment are closer, resorting to the properties of the flora and the traditional benefits of natural medicine as a fundamental support for the health of our whole organism.

Celebrating our long-lasting commitment

Likewise, we celebrate the fact that we can continue to carry out our work and mission as a company. Above all, despite certain circumstances experienced by the entire environment since the end of the 20th century. From stages of economic recession, technological transition, financial and health crises, etc. to the imposition of wholesale trade against small businesses, or business relocation.

For all these reasons, we would like to send a message of enormous gratitude. In particular, to every one of the people and sectors that have made it possible for us to celebrate Robis’ 40th anniversary and to continue writing its history. Every customer or consumer who has trusted or continues to trust our products, every partner or intermediary who continues to bet on us. And, of course, every member of the Robis team and our staff.

We will continue to work in the present and future to offer the highest quality in our products and the greatest welfare for society and the natural environment. We always keep in mind our philosophy which, together with our joint effort, is what has brought us this far!

ROBIS, “Quality by nature”.



Do not hesitate to contact us

Pablo Romero Comino

International Sales



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This blog is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. The content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. Consult a doctor or health professional The information in this blog should not be considered as a substitute for the advice of a health professional.