Food supplements manufacturer since 1983

We installed a self-consumption photovoltaic plant

paneles solares Robis 2025
We installed a self-consumption photovoltaic plant

Robis S.L. was born in 1983 in Granada (Spain) to seek people’s health through natural food. Relying on technology and innovation while respecting nature.

Part of Robis’ corporate responsibility is to make the world a better place for people, animals, and the environment. Therefore, Robis has invested in a new self-consumption photovoltaic plant installation for its facilities in Granada.

Electricity generated by solar panels avoids the need to resort to energy sources that emit large amounts of CO₂, such as coal or gas-fired power plants. To make it easier to understand, it is estimated that for every megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity generated from solar energy, approximately 0.5 tons of CO₂ emissions are avoided.

According to calculations, a single tree can absorb between 10 and 20 kg of CO₂ per year. This means that, with each MWh produced by solar energy, the emission of an amount of CO₂ that would require between 25 and 50 trees to be absorbed in a year is avoided.

For example, if the solar panels of an installation generate 100 MWh per year (an average figure for medium-large systems), this implies that between 2,500 and 5,000 trees would be saved per year, simply by not releasing CO₂ that they would have to compensate for.

Our new self-consumption photovoltaic plant

Thanks to the clean energy we generate with solar panels, we prevent thousands of trees from being forced to absorb pollutants. These trees, instead of being dedicated to mitigating environmental damage, can continue to fulfill their vital role: producing oxygen, protecting ecosystems and improving air quality.

This commitment is aligned with the fundamental values that have guided ROBIS since its inception: respect and harmony with nature. Solar energy is not only a technological investment, but a statement of principles, demonstrating that it is possible to grow as a company while caring for the planet.

By integrating solar energy into our operations, we reduce our environmental impact and inspire other companies and the community to consider responsible energy solutions. At ROBIS, we firmly believe that the future of business lies in sustainability, and we will continue to innovate to contribute to a greener and healthier world. That’s why we are investing in a new self-consumption photovoltaic plant!

Robis, nature and wellness.


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Responsable: Robis, S. L. C/ Colomera, parcela R-172, 18220 Albolote, Granada. España. CIF: B18040980. Finalidad: publicar sus comentarios. Legitimación: consentimiento del interesado. Destinatarios: están previstas cesiones de datos a: atención al cliente. Derechos: tiene derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, indicados en la información adicional que puede ejercer enviando un email al responsable o bien en el DPO: Procedencia: El propio interesado. Más información: puede consultar información adicional y detallada sobre la Protección de Datos en nuestra política de privacidad.

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