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Regulate intestinal transit: digestive well-being for before and after the holidays

regular o trânsito intestinal
Regulate intestinal transit: digestive well-being for before and after the holidays

Regulating intestinal transit is key to health and welfare . A good intestinal transit helps digestive well-being, allows lighter digestions, contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight and provides other important benefits.

However, sometimes it gets disturbed and does not work properly. Also, changing habits don’t help you. That is why it is frequent that during the holidays the gastrointestinal transit slow down and appear constipation problems , heaviness and discomfort.

Taking measures to regulate intestinal transit helps you maintain digestive well-being and you will have to take them before, during and after the holidays. Constant care is the only way to maintain regularity.

Regulate intestinal transit, what to do to maintain digestive well-being

Increase the consumption of healthy foods rich in fiber

The Soluble fiber it is present in many tasty and healthy foods. This element favors a good intestinal transit, avoiding constipation and the problems that this entails.

Food is key to regulating gastrointestinal transit. Therefore, in the context of a healthy and balanced diet , should abound high fiber foods . Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are the most interesting. It substitutes refined products for its integral version, much richer in fiber.

Keep in mind that just as important as knowing which foods contain fiber is how to consume them to take advantage of it. A good example is fruit. Consuming the pieces natural is the best option, while smoothies and juices leave the fiber aside. That is why it is recommended to eat an orange instead of taking it squeezed in the form of juice, for example.

Hydrating from the inside helps regulate intestinal transit

Did you know that fluid intake is it one of the factors that contributes to regulating intestinal transit? Drinking water throughout the day in adequate amounts is necessary so that the stool is not excessively hard, and to facilitate its journey through the intestine until it is expelled.

Take advantage of the benefits of specific food supplements to improve intestinal transit

exist food supplements to regulate intestinal transit made with natural substances, such as the famous cascara sagrada , for example. It is a laxative that helps the passage of waste through the intestine and its elimination. It is convenient to take it for a limited time.

Value their use because they can be the extra help you need to maintain regularity, even in times of change of habits. You can find these organic food supplements at .

The regularity helps the optimal functioning of the digestive transit

Follow one routine and keep some regular hours daily to feed yourself and go to the bathroom. Maintaining similar schedules throughout the days helps the digestive system to function properly. It is something relatively easy to carry out and many times it is not taken into account just because of ignorance.

For those who work shifts or at times like holidays, this is more complicated. In those cases it is even more important to focus on the measures that are in your power to take to promote good intestinal transit .

Adopt in your daily life the habits that help to take care of digestive well-being and avoid constipation

Certain lifestyle habits contribute to the regularization of the gastrointestinal transit. It is important to know and apply them.

  • Don’t suppress the urge to defecate . It does not mean that in certain circumstances you should not do it. But the ideal is that when you feel that need you go to the bathroom.
  • Get regular physical exercise and he wears a active lifestyle . It is a factor with influence on the functioning of the body in general, and on the digestive system in particular.
  • Chew well . It is a simple habit to adopt that helps the proper formation of the intestinal bolus, facilitating its transit and expulsion.

As you can see, the guidelines that help regulate intestinal transit are very easy to adopt in daily life, although it can be somewhat more difficult when you go on a trip. That is why it begins to take care of your digestive well-being and thus you will help improve your intestinal transit before and after the holidays.


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