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How to improve circulation in the legs

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How to improve circulation in the legs

Poor blood circulation usually affects the legs mainly. Being overweight, standing still for a long time, or being sedentary all contribute to worsening this problem, which can have serious consequences.

Combat poor leg circulation It is key to avoiding ischemic arteries, discomfort, phlebitis and dangerous clots, among other problems. We tell you how to improve circulation in the legs to prevent these and other problems that affect health and well-being.

How to improve circulation in your legs in 7 simple actions

1. Exercise daily if you consider how to improve circulation in your legs

A sedentary lifestyle makes it difficult normal blood supply to the legs . Exercising is key to solving this problem. Simply walking, already provides a great help to improve the circulation of the legs. You can also do other training such as leg raises or push-ups. And sports activities such as swimming, among many others, which promote optimal blood circulation.

2. Reach and maintain a healthy body weight to improve blood flow to the legs

If you are considering how to improve circulation in your legs, assess whether you are at an adequate body weight. In a very high percentage of cases, these problems are accompanied by a high body weight. Is it your case? Losing weight contributes to less pressure in the legs and in favoring the normal functioning of the blood supply.
Losing weight in a healthy way doesn’t just require dieting. Follow one balanced and healthy diet it is just one of the actions that will help you achieve it. Carry a active lifestyle and other good lifestyle habits are also important.

3. Fight against fluid retention to avoid tired legs

Poor circulation in the legs causes a feeling of fatigue. Fluid retention swells the legs and hinders normal mobility, which together with fatigue usually translates into less physical activity. And what does that cause in turn? A worse circulation. So if you are considering how to improve circulation in your legs and you suffer from fluid retention , solving these will help you achieve your goals.

4. Take care of your diet to improve blood circulation

Taking care of your diet not only helps you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, as we have already mentioned. Certain foods can promote or, on the contrary, hinder normal blood circulation. If you consider how to improve circulation in your legs, it is important that you value if you must do some changes in your usual diet .

  • Reduce salt intake to avoid the tired legs that often accompany poor circulation in these.
  • Avoid consuming saturated fat that impair optimal blood circulation.
  • Evaluate the use of infusions of plants and food supplements that improve blood circulation. In you will find products that help you activate the circulation of the legs.
  • Avoid the consumption of sugars in your diet to promote the maintenance of a healthy body weight that helps your circulatory system to function properly.

5. The choice of clothes and footwear also influences the circulation of the legs

It may surprise you, but some clothes can make it difficult to good circulation in the legs . This happens more to women and is that high-heeled shoes, for example, are one of the garments that hinder good circulation. Also tight clothes make this difficult.

6. Do activities that contribute to better blood circulation in your legs

If you are considering how to improve circulation in your legs, consider spending time doing activities that help you achieve your goals. In addition to the aforementioned physical exercise there are disciplines that promote good circulation , as is the practice of yoga. Also footbaths and cold water jets on the legs help to activate blood circulation . Applying cold compresses or specific creams for this purpose are other good decisions.

7. Resting with your legs slightly elevated helps improve your blood flow

While you’re on the couch reading or watching TV, try rest with your legs up . If you spend a lot of time sitting, for example using a computer, try using a leg lift. It is also a good idea to sleep with your legs raised about 10 to 20 cm in relation to the rest of the body.
Follow these tips if you wonder how improve circulation of the legs. You will notice the improvement, something key to your health and well-being.


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