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Fresh Royal Jelly: discover its properties

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Fresh Royal Jelly: discover its properties

Fresh royal jelly has multiple beneficial properties for the organism. Do you know them? Find out what they are and find out why it is the natural supplement that helps to take care of your health and well-being.

About Fresh Royal Jelly

The properties of fresh royal jelly are based on the concentration of concentration of nutrients it contains. Around 185 different organic compounds, including vitamins, minerals, trace elements, proteins, antibiotic compounds, enzymes and amino acids.

Provides energy and helps to combat exhaustion

Due to its nutritional richness and its concentration of proteins and natural sugars, the properties of fresh royal jelly for increasing energy levels energy levels y overcome fatigue are very remarkable.

Therefore, it is especially recommended in times of high stress, physical or mental exhaustion and in seasons where you must make an important physical or intellectual effort. For this reason, together with other properties, it is also a restorative that helps recovery in states of convalescence.

Strengthening of the immune system

Royal jelly contains natural antibiotic substances and has properties that stimulate the production of antibodies. It also contributes to the proliferation of cells involved in the body’s defence system response. Therefore, it is recommended during seasonal changes, when the body is more vulnerable and a strong and active immune system is needed.

Antibiotic properties

Largely because of its concentration of 10-hydroxydecenoic acid (HDC). This natural acid has an important antibiotic activity, acts as a fungicide and is a recognized antiviral. For this reason, and for its contribution to the improvement of the immune system, fresh royal jelly helps to to cope with pathogenic germs and microorganisms.

Anti-aging and skin-improving properties

Fresh royal jelly possesses properties that make it a potent food supplement for the beauty care and with effect anti aging. Its richness in vitamins such as vitamin C with antioxidant effect, B5, amino acids and enzymes, improves cellular oxygenation and contributes to a good skin, nails and hair condition and appearance.

Regularization of hormonal activity

Its help to regulating the endocrine system and hormone production is especially beneficial in men and women with hormonal problems that affect such issues as metabolism, sleep and fertility.

Moreover, it helps to reduce the negative symptoms that women suffer from during the menopause and perimenopause that affect your well-being. And so it also helps to reduce the symptoms of the so-called premenstrual syndrome.

It is important to know that people who have suffered an oncological process should not take Royal Jelly, nor those who are allergic to bee products such as honey or pollen.

Improves intellectual performance

Its properties to promote concentration and memory and to regulate the production of hormones such as cortisol, melatonin, insulin or dopamine, among others, help to improve intellectual performance. As a result, it helps the organism to face intellectual activity with less fatigue, more courage, energy and capacity to concentrate.

Helping to prevent cardiovascular diseases

Fresh royal jelly improves vasodilator activity of the organism. Thus it contributes to the regularization of blood pressure, one of the key factors in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Improves and elevates mood

The mood-enhancing properties of fresh royal jelly are also quite remarkable. Its contribution to a better hormonal balance, its energy-boosting and stress-fighting properties help to enjoy a higher mood.

Its revitalizing and invigorating properties result in a better sense of well-being and reduce some of the factors that lead to discouragement.

Royal jelly: anti-inflammatory properties

Another relevant property of fresh royal jelly is its anti-inflammatory activity. This is possible because it contains a type of protein that contributes to the reduction of the secretion of different pro-inflammatory cytokines.

Thus, it helps to improve in the case of inflammation caused by trauma, surgical interventions or diseases, even in chronic inflammation processes caused by diseases.

To enjoy these and other properties, take fresh royal jelly as a food supplement. You can find it in its pure state or accompanied with other natural substances with properties for the improvement of the state of the organism in the royal jelly supplements at


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