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How To Take Care Of Your Nails

How to care for your nails: keep them shiny and strong

Do you know how to care for your nails to keep them strong and shiny? If you are looking to have them nice these measures and habits that are easy to adopt will help you achieve it. This will make them less brittle, prevent them from looking dull and avoid problems such as flaking.

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Hair Skin And Nails In Summer

Take care of hair, skin and nails in summer: prepare them for their arrival

Although there is still a good stretch of spring, the arrival of the heat is just around the corner. Learning how to take care of hair, skin and nails in summer is necessary to keep in good condition and highlight its beauty. And it is that, the passage from the cold to a greater exposure to the sun and heat, together with some bad habits at this time of year can damage them.

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